Thursday, June 24, 2010

Feature hunting today.
Found some family and friends playing basketball in the street. That's illegal in Flint, but whatever.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Old, but trying to get back into the habit of blogging at least semi-regularly.

Natasha Thomas-Jackson, left, 30, helps her son Masai Clayborne, 8, both of Flint Township shred regular bar soap to be used in a homemade non-toxic laundry soap at the Flint Farmer's Market, 420 E. Boulevard, during a safe cleaning chemicals seminar on Saturday afternoon. A class was led by a local certified natural health educator and herbalist, Suzy Sikora (not pictured), teaching people how to mix their own non-toxic cleaning supplies, including laundry detergent, furniture polish, cleaning paste and more.