Sunday, November 23, 2008

death and dying in my throat

I'm dying inside my throat. I don't know what it is, and I don't have health insurance so I won't be finding out anytime soon. Just taking over the counter medicines until I'm all bettered.
I was shooting the beginning to this story I may be working on about Traveling Kid Productions. Started by this 24 yr old dude who manages bands and hosts shows and whatnot. But the coolest part is that he's opening up a venue in town here soon.
Anyway, I went to the show in Frankenmuth the other night, feelin fine. As the show progresses, my voice just disappears. I sound like a 60 yr old chain smoker. It's hot.

I'll upload some of those photos from the show in a bit, but here's some stuff from the recent past.

Regional semifinal volleyball match between Unionville-Sebawing Area, and Marlette. Or something like that.

USA won.

Speed skating practice.
Speed skating competition crashhhh.
A story about a "progressive" family. Eats organic food, believes in ... I dunno. Stuff. This was actually kind of annoying to shoot since I was supposed to be focusing on the family and their interactions and whatnot and for the most part the kids were with their cousin the whole night. I got a couple good shots in the beginning of the evening, and then the baby handoff at the very end of the night. So, I mean, it's good I stuck around. But man, a lot of sittin' around.
Hockey. First game of the season. It was a good game. Bay City, sadly, lost to Grand Blanc.

Anyway. I'm supposed to be letting a girl from CMU job shadow me today. It's Sunday and I don't have any assignments so I'm just going to pretend like this event I found is an assignment basically. And I don't have a voice so this'll be fun.


on being lean and vaudevillian said...

I like the baby at piano. Feel better, Jeffery.

Merissa said...

The baby photo is great. It proves that sticking around is worthwhile after all. All though I get really impatient sometimes. That is how I got my women kissing the homeless man shot. I just stood there for an hour waiting for something to happen. The reporter asked me three times if we could go but I was like no I need 5 more minutes. I need something to happen and then BAM.