Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Another update. We did a story on the EM Ford. The longest working Great Lakes freighter.. finally being sent to the scrapyard.

They wouldn't let me on the property at all.. So I had to shoot through the fences. Or, in the case of the photo above, across the river. Fun/obnoxious.
This one ran..
I thought this next one was a nice moment though.
..I'm guessing it didn't run because I didn't have the fellas names though. But, again, I couldn't get on the property.Then some boxing stuff.

What else?

A portrait I shot for Veteran's Day.
I give it a meh. But Scott seemed to love it.

I'd upload it but blogspot's bein a poop right now.
Perhaps next time.

1 comment:

Betsy Seymour said...

you didn't post my favorite boxing picture.

buuut. high five for being awesome anyway.