I, unfortunately, just spent the past two hours retoning already toned photos to make them look better on screen rather than on print.
Anyway. I like it here. I live in a quaint half-house with Scott, the other intern.
I've only been here not even a month, but I'm still anxious. I shoot a lot of portraits... construction... and high school sports.
Though my editor did ask me yesterday if I was ready to get started with some multimedia stuffs.
Oh yes I am.
I want to cover something sweet. I want our "OH SHIT" pager to actually have something for Bay City when it goes off.
Oh by the way, nothing against high school sports. I like shooting sports. So long as it's not terribly dark.
And nothing against what I've been shooting so far either. It's still fun making neat images from construction and stuff like that. I've got a neat shot from some construction I shot today that I'll put up tomorrow. Because, a) I'm pretty sure it's a big no-no to post something online before it's even ran in the paper and b) For some reason it didn't get transferred to my memory card anyway when I tried bringin all my work photos home.
Anyway. On with some photos.
I had to go find a feature since ... something fell through. I drove around, getting lost, trying to find anything in a town I knew nothing about. Finally, I found a farmer's market downtown. I spent the whole time shooting customers and vendors interacting, when suddenly this moment with the baby happened. It was originally tons darker since I had been shooting the woman talking to a couple out in the sun--this moment happened under their tent.
They call the baby "Market Baby".
Btw, that's the Cadillac Vikings getting their butts stomped by... ahh whoever the Bobcats are. Anyone else think it looks like fauxhawk boy is peeing on his paralyzed teammate?
And the second one I like because.. well the guy just seems so nice. Perhaps I'm biased because I had a chance to chat ("chat?") with him a little bit while shooting. Just about everyone else in that building didn't seem to much care that I was there taking pictures. Normally I wouldn't mind, however when they keep looking at the camera or making faces or hiding, it makes my job a little hard.
Anyway. And that last photo ran main front page. So that's cool.
I drove an hour and 45 minutes to get to this game. Shot in the rain all night. Drove back.
Listened to the presidential debate on the way back. Nothing new. Except for this moment.
But that's neither here nor there. The game was very cold and wet. Oh and it was a doubleheader. So even more time in the rain.
I wasn't sure how I felt about that celebration shot until I saw it in the paper. I dig it pretty thoroughly now.
I had to reshoot this because the first time the family looked too happy. Understandable. And for the second shoot (which took me 2 minutes), they had that sign up, which wasn't there originally. So. Plus.
I almost got to go up on the roof to shoot down at them, rather than standing on the sidewalk, but unfortunately no one could find a ladder that would get me to the secret roof portal. Bummer.
The building was packed. I was sweating. And Carole King was an hour and a half late. This guy decided to show everyone the songs he and his kids had been working on. They're from the bible. And apparently the dude used to play guitar for R. Kelly. He was good.
I, however, do not enjoy being just as easily duped as the other team is when it comes to faking who has the ball. I find myself following the wrong dude many times. But I still had fun. And apparently came out with some decent shots. Unfortunately, they were all of the wrong team.
Yeah, we were covering the purple guys.
Or, at least, I've shot it many times before.
This was my first real time shooting with a light kit too. Luckily Scott, (roommate/photo intern), came along with to help me set up. I got through one match and then some dude came and asked who the lights belonged to.
... maybbbe the guy with the antenna coming out of his camera?
So I had to turn off the lights. They were blinding the refs apparently. Lame.
I had no idea what to do or say either. Do I say "Fuck you!" and keep shooting? Or play the nice, polite role and say "Oh, okay! Sorry!"
I played the dumb "uhh.. oh. Uhm... o..kay" role... and then shot the rest of the game with available light. Luckily, Midland's gym is quite bright. That last photo was actually the one that ran main front sports page art. No lighting. heh.
I liked the Welcome sign. O. Yeah, the way I had to shoot this was very different from how I'm used to shoot. I was told to shoot in the style of a Home & Garden magazine or some shit. Never done that before but I sure pretended like I knew how. I hate photos of stuff without people in them (usually) so it was weird for me.
(Btw, "photos of stuff without people in them" seem to run quite a bit in the paper here.)
Anyway. Please note the dude in the upper right corner of that last photo. It made me giggle.
That's all I've got for now. Sorry so long, but I had to catch up on 3 weeks of shooting into one entry (for some reason). Entries in the future should be much less painful.
Also--if the photos are supersmall in this blog entry, it's because I'm still figuring out this blogger..blogspot thing.
What else? Anything else?
I'm shooting another high school football game tomorrow. Shit. This time I don't get the luxury of Scott's ... whatevercameraitishehas and his 300mm. Oh well.
1 comment:
i'm learning all sorts of new stuff about you. :]
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