Tuesday, October 28, 2008

crop crop cropow!

Some other stuff from work lately.
I've been shooting a lot of high school sports. A lot of high school sports at night, mind you. So I'm not posting much of it since, unless they're totally amazing, they're just grainy high school football photos. To me, at least.

Bay City's goin' well. It smells like fungus whenever it rains.

I play too much World of Warcraft.
Scratch that, that's all I do.
But hey, I'm almost level 70!

Here's some high school soccer..

I particularly like the .. 2nd one. The third one was in the Photos of the Week here at the Times... I guess. The last one... is one hell of a crop. I initially wrote that "crap". Anyway. I figured the moment of the kid nearly crying made it worth the crop. It didn't run. I can see why. It's grainy as hell.

This was shot on a day when I had absolutely nothing to do last week, Monday. Mondays are very boring days in this office. I really didn't think I was going to find anything. I still don't know the town very well. Basically I drive up and down the roads.. see nothing but people walking. And then check out the park and Middlegrounds. Hey! People this time! They're a part of the Middlegrounds Flyers club. They fly remote control airplanes. They're all nice dudes and they even let me fly one of their planes. I was really hoping I'd tank it right into the ground.
Luckily, I did not.
They also invited me to come out every Saturday morning to fly their planes some more.
I haven't done it yet. Because I'm a douche.

That's it for now.
Still no photos of Scott.


1 comment:

Betsy Seymour said...

ah. i now understand what you meant by hardcore crop. but i still like that picture.

and i like your blog.